Member: Kendra Ward        #3999   

OPHA 2025

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
39 OR Low Child/Adult Eq O/F 2'6" (Mike Rheinheime Chagrin Valley Farms Feb Outreach/School Goodfellow 1 4 10.00 N
Total Class Points 10.00
No: 39
Class: OR Low Child/Adult Eq O/F 2'6" (Mike Rheinheime
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Feb Outreach/School
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 10.00  N
Total Class Points: 10.00

OPHA 2024

No: 41
Class: Low Child/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 41
Class: Low Child/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms February Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 7
Points: 1.00  
Total Class Points: 3.00
No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
39 Low Child/Adult Eq O/F (Mike Rheinheimer) Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling Goodfellow 3 5 4.00 N
Total Class Points 4.00
No: 39
Class: Low Child/Adult Eq O/F (Mike Rheinheimer)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 5
Points: 4.00  N
Total Class Points: 4.00

OPHA 2023

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
63 Low Adult Eq on the Flat WPaPHA USEF A Rated Show Goodfellow 1 3 10.00
63 Low Adult Eq on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms September USEF A Sh Goodfellow 1 2 10.00
Total Class Points 20.00
No: 63
Class: Low Adult Eq on the Flat
Show: WPaPHA USEF A Rated Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 63
Class: Low Adult Eq on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms September USEF A Sh
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 20.00

OPHA 2022

No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
551 Ariat Adult Medal 3 World Equestrian Center Classic #16 USEF Goodfellow 3 7 4.00 N
Total Class Points 4.00
No: 551
Class: Ariat Adult Medal 3
Show: World Equestrian Center Classic #16 USEF
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 7
Points: 4.00  N
Total Class Points: 4.00
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec II USEF Nat'l A
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Jan I USEF Nat'l A
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Feb USEF Nat'l A Sh
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 22.00

OPHA 2021

No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms OPHA Triple Point H
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 30.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms OCT H/J National A
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 6
Points: 2.00  
Total Class Points: 32.00

OPHA 2020

No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec II-National
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 2.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms March National A
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 9
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 8.00

OPHA 2019

No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms February Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms March Schoolng Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chargrin Valley Farms April Schooling Sh
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April II USEF Natio
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 7
Points: 0.50  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms May Schooling Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms June Schooling Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge June
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge July 27
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge July 28
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge Aug 10
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge Aug 11
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge Sept 7
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 103
Class: NARHA Adult Medal
Show: Stoney Ridge Stables Sept 8
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 36
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms October Schooling S
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 5
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 122.50
No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling Goodfellow 4 4 2.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms January Schooling S Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms February Schooling Goodfellow 1 4 10.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms March Schoolng Show Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chargrin Valley Farms April Schooling Sh Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
91 Adult Equitation Flat Chagrin Valley Farms April II USEF Natio Goodfellow 2 4 6.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms May Schooling Show Goodfellow 4 4 2.00
38 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Chagrin Valley Farms June Schooling Show Goodfellow 5 5 1.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge June Goodfellow 2 4 6.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge May Goodfellow 1 2 10.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge July 27 Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge July 28 Goodfellow 3 3 4.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge Aug 10 Goodfellow 3 4 4.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge Aug 11 Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge Sept 7 Goodfellow 2 2 6.00
105 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat Stoney Ridge Stables Sept 8 Goodfellow 1 2 10.00
Total Class Points 91.00
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms December Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms January Schooling S
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms February Schooling
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 4
Points: 10.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms March Schoolng Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chargrin Valley Farms April Schooling Sh
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April II USEF Natio
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms May Schooling Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
No: 38
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms June Schooling Show
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 5
Points: 1.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge June
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge May
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge July 27
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge July 28
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Aug 10
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Aug 11
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Sept 7
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 2
Points: 6.00  
No: 105
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Stables Sept 8
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 91.00

OPHA 2018

No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National 'A' D
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 7
Points: 1.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National "A" -
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 6
Points: 0.50  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National 'A' F
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 8
Points: 1.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal (NAHRA)
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms H/J "B" Show April
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 5
Points: 4.00  
No: 128
Class: Ariat Medal 3'0"
Show: Brave Horse III
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 8
Entries: 8
Points: 0.00  
No: 551
Class: Ariat Adult Medal 3'
Show: World Equestrian Center Fall Classic
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 7
Entries: 8
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 6.50
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National 'A' D
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 6
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National "A" -
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National 'A' F
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 8
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms H/J "B" Show April
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 22.00

OPHA 2017

No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farm USEF National 'A' De
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 551
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Country Heir Wilmington WEC #7
Place: 8
Entries: 9
Points: 0.00  
No: 551
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Country Heir @ World Equestrian WEC #12
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 8
Entries: 10
Points: 0.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April Championship
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 7
Points: 0.50  
No: 203
Class: Ariat Adult Medal 3'
Show: OPHA Spring National 2017 245854
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 8.00  
No: 35
Class: Fox Smith/NAHRA Medal
Show: CVF June Schooling/Academy
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
No: 112
Class: Ariat Medal 3'0
Show: Brave Horse III
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 8
Points: 2.00  
No: 551
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: World Eq/Wilmington Summer Horse Show II
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 5
Points: 1.00  
No: 112
Class: Ariat Medal 3'0
Show: Brave Horse V
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 21.50
No: 105
Class: Adult/Childrens Flat Equitation
Show: Stoney Ridge May
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 37
Class: Children's/Adult Flat Equitation
Show: CVF June Schooling/Academy
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 6
Points: 6.00  
No: 50
Class: Adult Flat Equitation
Show: Ellrick Farm June
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 205
Show: Chagrin H/J Classic Opening Weekend
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 6
Points: 4.00  
No: 511
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: World Eq/Wilmington Summer Horse Show II
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 8
Points: 0.50  
No: 101
Class: Adult Equitation Ages 18+ 3'0 Flat
Show: Brave Horse V
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms H/J Fall Classic 'B
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 102
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Sept 9
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 102
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Stoney Ridge Sept 10
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms USEF National 'A'
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 18.00  
No: 37
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: CVF Oct Schooling Academy
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 72.50

OPHA 2016

No: 430
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Country Heir February III USEF Nat #4
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 14
Points: 1.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April I USEF Nation
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 7
Points: 1.00  
No: 203
Class: Ariat Adult Medal NARHA 3'
Show: OPHA Spring National 2016 245854
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 8
Entries: 8
Points: 0.00  
No: 329
Show: Chagrin Valley H/J Classic
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 6
Entries: 12
Points: 1.00  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Fall Classic II "A"
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 2.00  
Total Class Points: 5.00
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April I USEF Nation
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 4.00  
No: 210
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: OPHA Spring National 2016 245854
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 3
Entries: 3
Points: 8.00  
No: 315
Show: Chagrin Valley H/J Classic
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 7
Points: 1.00  
No: 413
Class: Adult Eq on the Flat
Show: WPaPHA
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 5
Entries: 7
Points: 1.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Fall Classic II "A"
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 1
Entries: 2
Points: 0.00  
Total Class Points: 14.00

OPHA 2015

No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec II USEF Nationa
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms January II USEF Nat
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 5
Entries: 4
Points: 1.00  
No: 411
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation combined Flat
Show: Country Heir February USEF "A" Show
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Sept USEF National
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 56
Class: Adult Flat Equitation
Show: OPHA Last Chance 2015
Horse: Goodfellow
Place: 4
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
Total Class Points: 18.00
No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
46 Pre-Adult Equitation OTF Buffalo Showtime III National 327994 Slide Aside 3 5 4.00 N
Total Class Points 4.00
No: 46
Class: Pre-Adult Equitation OTF
Show: Buffalo Showtime III National 327994
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 3
Entries: 5
Points: 4.00  N
Total Class Points: 4.00

OPHA 2014

No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec II USEF Nationa
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Jan II USEF Nationa
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 30
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: CVF Schooling/Academy February
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
No: 22
Class: Adult Amateur/ Children's Flat Equitation
Show: Lake Erie College
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 6
Entries: 5
Points: 0.50  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms March USEF National
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 4
Entries: 8
Points: 2.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms April II USEF Natio
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 210
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: OPHA Spring National 2014 245854
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 4.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms September-USEF Nati
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 56
Class: Adult Flat Equitation
Show: OPHA 2014 Last Chance Horse Show
Horse: Cambridge
Place: 3
Entries: 6
Points: 8.00  
Total Class Points: 36.50

OPHA 2013

No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec III "A" Show
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 6
Entries: 7
Points: 0.50  
No: 87
Class: Ariat National Adult Medal
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Jan II "A" Show
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 3
Entries: 7
Points: 4.00  
No: 18
Class: N.A.R.H.A. Adult Medal
Show: Lake Erie College March
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 1
Entries: 3
Points: 10.00  
Total Class Points: 14.50
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec III "A" Show
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 17
Class: Adult Amateur Equitation
Show: Lake Erie College March
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms August Show
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
Total Class Points: 13.00
No. Class Show Horse Place Entries Points  
26 Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat CVF Schooling Academy February Slide Aside 7 9 0.00 N
Total Class Points 0.00
No: 26
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: CVF Schooling Academy February
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 7
Entries: 9
Points: 0.00  N
Total Class Points: 0.00

OPHA 2012

No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Dec III
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 6
Entries: 7
Points: 0.50  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Valley Farms Jan II
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 8
Points: 2.00  
No: 18
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: CVF February Schooling/Academy
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 6
Entries: 7
Points: 0.50  
No: 144
Class: Adult Equitation/Flat
Show: Ridgewood II
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
Total Class Points: 4.00

OPHA 2011

No: 20
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: CVF Jan 2011 Schooling Academy
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 34
Class: Adult Equitation/Flat
Show: Lake Erie College Equestrian Center
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 5
Points: 6.00  
No: 37
Class: Adult Equitation combined Years/Flat
Show: Lake Erie College #151
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 20
Class: Children's/Adult Equitation on the Flat
Show: April 30/May 1 Schooling/Academy
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
No: 252
Class: Adult Eq on the Flat
Show: Northern Gold Classics June
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 3
Entries: 4
Points: 4.00  
No: 109
Class: Adult Equitation/Flat
Show: Andrews Osborne Academy #6250
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 5
Entries: 6
Points: 1.00  
No: 249
Class: Children's/Adult Eq on the Flat
Show: Northern Gold Classics July 1
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 5
Points: 2.00  
No: 206
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Northern Gold Classics @ Chagrin Valley
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 2.00  
Total Class Points: 24.00

OPHA 2010

No: 16
Class: Children's/Adult Flat Equitation
Show: LEC Winter Series February
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 16
Class: Children's/Adult Flat Equitation
Show: LEC Winter Series March
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 2.00  
No: 109
Class: Adult Equitation/Flat
Show: Andrews Osborne Acad April
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 7
Points: 6.00  
No: 78
Class: Adult Flat Equitation
Show: CVF June OPHA
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 2
Entries: 3
Points: 6.00  
No: 91
Class: Adult Equitation Flat
Show: Chagrin Sept "A" Show
Horse: Slide Aside
Place: 4
Entries: 7
Points: 2.00  
No: 22
Class: Adult Flat Equitation
Show: AOA October Schooling
Place: 2
Entries: 4
Points: 6.00  
Total Class Points: 28.00

Provided by OrgPro
